At the moment there appears to be a lot of illustration being applied to fashion instead of the other way round which I'm loving. A while back Julie Verhoeven designed a lovely little capsule collection for Mulberry consisting of gorgeous quilted bag which I had my eyes on but could not come to terms with parting with so much money for a handbag! Now one of my favourite illustrators
Liselotte Watkins has designed a collection of illustrations for Mui Mui and the results are gorgeous, I love the bold colours and patterns contained with in her work, I just wish I could afford to buy one but I can console myself as I do have some tops from H&M designed by swedish illustrator
Cassandra Rhodin which are equally as wonderful.
James Jean has also produced illustrations for Prada dresses based on wood nymphs, the details of these illustrations are amazing you can view Prada wallpaper he designed here
James Jean . I really hope illustrated fashion is here to stay, it' s so much more interesting applying illustration to garments other than t-shirts. One day I hope to have my illustrations adorning beautiful clothes such as these...